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Fund Name Calhoun County, Iowa: New Cobblestone Inn & Suites
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) Jonathan Wetter
Fund Size $6,800,000
Investment Focus
Hospitality Development
Geographic Focus
Additional Fund Details North Iowa Development Partners, LLC is excited to offer a great opportunity to those looking to invest and bring new, much needed lodging to the communities of Calhoun County, Iowa. The development group has teamed up with Cobblestone Hotels to bring a new 45 room hotel located in a prime location with construction to begin as early as fall of 2022.
Organization Details • Minimum Investment is $100,000
• The Investment will be in the form of a percentage of the hotel ownership entity (Calhoun Hospitality Group, LLC)
• A total of 68 ownership units at $100,000 each will initially be issued by the LLC, for a total capital raise of $6,800,000 to fully fund the development of the hotel
• The goal is to raise the entire cost of the project from investors, with no bank financing or debt service. All profits from hotel operations, less a cash reserve, will be distributed annually to investors.
• Investors may be individuals, LLC’s, corporations, Trusts, Partnerships, or other legal entities
• The ownership entity will be overseen by the Company’s attorney, CPA, and an Advisory Board which shall be elected from the group of investors
Fund Contact
Name Jonathan Wetter
Job Title Director
Phone (712) 887-0696
Additional Comments Prospective investors should carefully consider their investing time horizon, tolerance for risk, and overall investment objectives prior to making an investment in this project. Be sure to consult with your financial, tax and legal advisors before investing in this or any other development project.

The development team, Cobblestone Hotels and other initial investors would be glad to welcome you to the ownership group if you decide that you are interested in joining us to help make a new hotel in Calhoun County a reality.

Please contact Jonathan Wetter at (712) 887-0696 for a New Investor Packet.

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