Fund Name | Detroit Ozone Investment Fund LLC |
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) | Aaron Lewis, Charles Lewis |
Fund Size | $500,000,000 |
Fund-Related Website | |
Investment Focus |
Affordable Housing, Community Revitalization, Mixed-use Development, Multifamily Residential
Geographic Focus |
Additional Fund Details |
Our investors have realized returns in the high teens to mid-20s. Define your criteria, and we’ll find the deal to meet your goals. We are acquisition specialists, and our track record speaks for itself. For more information: |
Organization Details |
As real estate investment specialists, Detroit Ozone Investment Fund (DOIF) managers have experience in the residential rental and multifamily markets with a proven track record. Our expertise in identifying properties goes hand-in-hand with our vision of developing projects that are solid investments that add value to our investors and the neighborhoods and communities we invest in. |
Fund Contact | |
Name | Charles Lewis |
Job Title | Vice President |
Phone | (313) 338-8353 | |