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Fund Name SoLa Impact Opportunity Zone Fund
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) Martin Muoto
Fund Size $100,000,000
Fund-Related Website
Investment Focus
Affordable Housing, Commercial Real Estate, Community Revitalization, Mixed-use Development, Multifamily Residential
Geographic Focus
Additional Fund Details SoLa Impact Opportunity Zone Fund, an active QOF, continues the company’s business model of multifamily rehab and development — in the process, creating jobs, revitalizing neighborhoods, empowering the less advantaged, and changing lives.
Organization Details SoLa Impact, founded with the express strategy to produce market returns for our investors while revitalizing historically tough urban areas, has created high-quality yet affordable housing for the past decade in now-designated Opportunity Zones.
Fund Contact
Name Josh Parker
Phone (310) 980-9780

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