Fund Name | INM OZFund 2020 |
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) | Kenneth Segura Knoll, Senior Managing Partner – Michael J Segurar, Fund Manager – Letitia Montoya, Fund Manager |
Fund Size | $25,000,000 |
Fund-Related Website | |
Investment Focus |
Affordable Housing, Economic Development, Infrastructure Investment, Small Business Development, Workforce Housing
Geographic Focus |
New Mexico
Additional Fund Details | Fund Goals, LLC (INM) has formed an Opportunity Zone Fund, INM-OZ FUND 2020, to invest in, and grow New Mexico companies operating in one of the 63 Opportunity Zones in New Mexico. Capital raise goal for INM-OZ Fund 2020 is $25 million. The fund will invest in up to 20 New Mexico companies. The fund has been set up to “Incubate and Fund” New Mexico companies that: 1. Protect investor’s principle and offer a reasonable rate of return 2. Create good-paying jobs 3. Support small and local businesses 4. Provide a path for New Mexico College graduates to find careers in the state |
Organization Details | The fund has been created by Senior Managing Partner Kenneth Segura Knoll, and will be managed by Michael Segura and, Letitia Montoya, Native New Mexicans with extensive experience in raising capital and running businesses. Advisors include Rudy M. Beserra, former Coca-Cola’s Senior Vice President for Latin Affairs, Mary Herrera, former New Mexico Secretary of State, Karl Dakin, President Dakin Capital LLC, and John C Moore, Executive Director for STEPS, Albuquerque’s Entrepreneur Resource Team. NES Financial, a leading Opportunity Zone Fund Administrator, is providing complete “back office” support services and consulting services. |
Fund Contact | |
Name | Kenneth Segura Knoll |
Job Title | Senior Managing Partner |
Phone | (505) 563-5724 | |