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Fund Name Kansas Qualified Opportunity Zone Livestock Fund
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) Richard Wahl FBS LLC
Fund Size $50,000,000
Investment Focus
Economic Development, Small Business Development, Other
If Other, Please Specify: Qualified Rural Counties in Western Kansas, Agricultural Development
Geographic Focus
Additional Fund Details Fund is focused on agricultural investment in confined cattle operations and support activities. The area is multiple counties in Western Kansas, up to seven qualified zones. The fund is managed by individuals with full careers and experience in the area and with the opportunities and limitations in the area. No investment limits are in place, and start-up projects are in the serious planning stages. This fund is organized as a Limited Liability Partnership, thus K-1 income/loss will pass through to investors. A paper prospectus is developing as project plans become complete.
Organization Details The fund will invest and have ownership interest in start-up confined cattle operations. The project managers/operators are primarily experienced livestock producers with motivation to enhance production efficiency and make financial room for the next generation of young people in agriculture. The technologies employed will result in better conditions for the animals, and environmental concerns will be readily studied and solved. The OZ funding will allow development more readily than traditional debt-based growth in agriculture. The organizers of these projects are motivated to eventually acquire full ownership and an opportunity for capital value growth for investors within the OZ regulation timeline.
Fund Contact
Name Richard Wahl
Job Title Agricultural Economist/tax planner/general partner
Phone (785) 769-4278

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