Fund Name | Northwest Indiana Opportunity Zone Fund |
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) | Blackhall Corporation |
Fund Size | $10,000,000 |
Fund-Related Website | |
Investment Focus |
Affordable Housing, Community Revitalization, Economic Development, Workforce Housing
Geographic Focus |
Additional Fund Details |
The most basic economic drivers of the Northern Indiana Opportunity Zone Fund: 1. Deferral of Capital Gains Taxes via the Opportunity Zone provisions (up to 7 years deferral and 15% discount). |
Organization Details |
I started investing in Tax Liens in Indiana in the Spring of 2016. At that time LaPorte county had a glut of liens for sale as a result of not having had a tax sale for 10 years. At that first sale we bought 15 liens. Later that year we bought another 35 at the tax sale in Lake county. Tax Lien investing lets us buy multiple houses (in 2017 we bought 105 parcels) in a brief period of time (3 days) for absolutely the minimum amount of money. Over half of our purchases are $500 or less. While there is subsequently additional expense to go to title (about $2,000 per house) there is no cheaper property acquisition method. |
Fund Contact | |
Name | Mark Reynolds |
Job Title | President |
Phone | (773) 294-0603 | |