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Fund Name Tech Transfer Fund I, Inc.
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) Grey Holdings Group, Inc.
Fund Size $976,690
Fund-Related Website
Geographic Focus
Additional Fund Details The Fund invests in an Opportunity Zone business, Grey Ops LLC. Grey Ops is about to launch its defense technology product primarily to be used by the military and first responders.
Organization Details Grey Ops has a license to commercialize a Department of Defense technology developed to neutralize primary explosives, allowing for safe transport and forensic testing. This technology is seen as vital to combat national and international terrorism. This technology is novel and will be ready for commercialization in 1 ? 3 months. The proceeds from the Fund will be used to purchase material, the cost of production, and labor.
Fund Contact
Name Brian Gamble
Job Title Director of Finance
Phone (410) 627-9298

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