Fund Name | Zingers Kingman |
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) | Dave Fedel |
Fund Size | $2,449,013 |
Fund-Related Website | |
Investment Focus |
Commercial Real Estate
Geographic Focus |
Additional Fund Details | This fund will build a convenience store and Sleeping room project in Kingman Arizona. The plans, engineering, contractor bids and preliminaries are complete and the project is ready for permitting. The fund has invested $840,000 and is seeking a partner for the construction portion of the first phase(the convenience store). the second phase will be the sleeping room project and will commence during the construction of the c store. |
Organization Details | The project is organized as a single purpose Limited Liability Company that will own the convenience store and the sleeping rooms. |
Fund Contact | |
Name | David Fedel |
Job Title | President |
Phone | (702) 378-3699 | | |
Additional Comments | The location is prime. Kingman is at the crossroads of highway 40(the east west corridor) and highway 11 (the north south corridor). The property is located on the industrial park. Kingman is a one day truck drive from the port of San Diego and the port of Los Angeles. Due to its location, the industrial park is expanding with many businesses relocating from California We have a complete package available and can transmit it through Google Docs or One Drive. |