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Fund Name ConnectUP! Integrated Capital Fund
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) Y. Elaine Rasmussen
Fund Size $50,000,000
Investment Focus
Affordable Housing, Commercial Real Estate, Economic Development, Infrastructure Investment, Small Business Development, Workforce Housing
Geographic Focus
Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota
Organization Details The ConnectUP! Fund will be a newly-created, human-centered, integrated capital fund (a combination of debt, equity, and grants) with an objective of addressing economic justice in access to blended capital to social enterprises led by people from marginalized communities. In recognition that there are numerous systemic factors influencing business development, the ConnectUP! Fund will evaluate Opportunity Zone-qualified opportunities and innovations in areas such as (but not exclusively) financial inclusion, sustainable energy, women’s empowerment, and community development (rural, urban, and tribal), this fund will have an intentional commitment to self-determined, vibrant communities and thriving ecosystems led by people of color.
Fund Contact
Name Y. Elaine Rasmussen
Phone (651) 242-9264
Additional Comments Accepting investors

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