Fund Name | Darwin Metal and Mining OZ fund |
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) | Ozone Capital Markets |
Fund Size | $66,000,000 |
Fund-Related Website | |
Investment Focus |
Community Revitalization, Economic Development, Infrastructure Investment, Renewable Energy Investment
Geographic Focus |
Additional Fund Details |
The Darwin Mines Project represents a unique investment opportunity to participate in the reopening of one of the most storied and significant mining districts in the U.S. Located in California’s Inyo County, Darwin was America’s largest silver and strategic metals mining operation during WW1 and WW2. With its rich productive history, this area is the most papered patch of land indicating high grade metals and critical minerals in the country.To appreciate what makes this project unique, it is important to know how this project came to be. Jack Stone worked in the Darwin mine as a young man alongside his father and uncle. Darwin shuttered, along with most U.S. mines, in the early ’70s when metals prices collapsed from China’s oversupply. Jack built a successful welding company and equipment leasing business supporting the mining industry. This afforded him the ability to slowly acquire all the Darwin property patents, water rights, and mining permits over a 20 plus year period. Incredibly, the Stone family has been able to achieve all this, and prep the mine to reopen, all while staying debt-free. The family views the Opportunity Zone Tax Program as an option to raise the necessary start-up capital and remain debt-free. Despite persistent overtures from big industry players, the Stone family is confident they have the experience and fortitude to unlock the $6 plus billion worth of materials they are sitting on while staying independent. This project is being offered as a QOZ Fund but can also accept non-capital gain investments. The project is looking to raise $66 million for 20% of the Darwin Mine at a current valuation of $330 million. Since existing mine shafts are already drilled into high-grade quality Zinc and Silver beds, the start-up funds will immediately be used for new rail, ventilation, and processing mill upgrades. While most mines require ten+ years to begin operations, Darwin is expected to begin within six months of the funding. The high current demand for the easily accessible Zinc, Silver and Copper from this first phase is expected to make this project profitable year one. The timing for this project is especially meaningful given the potential impact that Basel III could have on physical metal prices. Expected profits are projected to fund further mining of the vast known metal deposits on this property. This mine is also known to have 9 critical minerals that are important to multiple government agencies. The demand for these minerals is expected to quadruple by the year 2040 to keep pace with the growing clean energy technologies. This is the only independent mining project of its kind that also happens to be within an Opportunity Zone. This property has enough known materials to last for the next 100 plus years. With a backdrop of inflation and expected higher taxes, this project represents an opportunity to diversify into income producing hard assets and benefit from rebounding metals prices, all while enjoying the OZ tax benefits. |
Organization Details | Ozone Capital Markets Opportunity Zones were created under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to stimulate economic development and job creation in low-income neighborhoods. The capital that is being invested in these neighborhoods will have immense social benefits for generations. Our role is to identify and verify Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ) projects and help educate investors about each project’s benefits. We are not a financial firm and simply provide information on QOZ projects and relevant information on the QOZ space. |
Fund Contact | |
Name | Danny Iandoli |
Job Title | Consultant |
Phone | (781) 856-9496 | | |
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