Fund Name | Deep Green One Energy Opportunity Fund |
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) | Hal Curlett |
Fund Size | $35,000,000 |
Fund-Related Website | |
Investment Focus |
Community Revitalization, Infrastructure Investment, Renewable Energy Investment
Geographic Focus |
Additional Fund Details | The energy extraction technology behind this fund began development nearly a decade ago, leading to the first business created in 2015 to begin commercialization. Today, the four Founders of Deep Green One are partnered with one of America’s largest law firms to safely steward the disruptive new technology in oil and gas extraction to lead America to true energy independence. Additionally, the Investments are safeguarded by independent financial oversight and control to comply with IRS Opportunity Zone objectives. The primary patent R&D is being developed in Wyoming and is expected to be producing service units in 2020. Wyoming offers additional layers of tax benefit stacking when merged with the Opportunity Fund strategies of Deep Green One. |
Organization Details | DGOne was founded by a diverse and experienced group of technical, business, and financial experts united in the vision of generating an extraordinary business. DGOne’s founders, collectively, provide the seasoned insight and experience in project management, technology development management, administrative management, and financial management necessary to guide DGOne through a prudently designed business plan. Recognizing the benefits of professional support, DGOne’s founders have brought together an experienced group of firms and individuals to assist them in making DGOne an extraordinary business success. |
Fund Contact | |
Name | James Denito |
Job Title | President |
Phone | (214) 935-3662 | |