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Fund Name Opportunity Zone Fund I, LLC
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) zeroto6t, inc. DBA
Fund Size $150,000,000
Fund-Related Website
Investment Focus
Affordable Housing, Commercial Real Estate, Community Revitalization, Economic Development, Hospitality Development, Mixed-use Development, Multifamily Residential, Small Business Development, Student Housing, Workforce Housing, Other
If Other, Please Specify: Senior housing, educational institution staff housing, transit oriented development housing, walkable “back to the future” main streets, etc.
Geographic Focus
Additional Fund Details We facilitate co-ownership with America’s and our fellow 22.9 million of VA Loan bought two-, three-, or four-family all residential or mixed-use income producing properties to together with our partners and investors achieve our “By and for and with vets to anchor and lead the Great American Renewal” mission statement.
Organization Details offers eligible vets one of the following three opportunities: (1) to be connected to the 5+ million existing 2 – 4 family properties, (2) to be connected to individual property build-to-suit builders, or (3) to participate in “vet crowd buying.”
Fund Contact
Name Reed Benet
Job Title Founder/CEO
Phone (415) 342-3634

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