Fund Name | Palace Way Fund |
Fund Manager or Organizer(s) | Palace Way Management, LLC |
Fund Size | $15,000,000 |
Fund-Related Website | |
Investment Focus |
Commercial Real Estate, Other
If Other, Please Specify: | Mobile Home Park Development |
Geographic Focus |
Additional Fund Details |
The Fund specializes in New Mobile Home Park development, light industry warehouse business parks, and some multifamily projects in high growth metro areas of Texas. We have 3-projects identified for investment. A Senior Lifestyle 250 space mobile home park just south of Austin, Texas, a warehouse business park on 14 acres in San Antonio and a 240 unit apartment complex in south San Antonio, Texas. |
Organization Details | Limited Partnership Delaware filing., Managing partner is Palace Way Management, LLC. |
Fund Contact | |
Name | James E. Glasgow |
Job Title | Managing Partner |
Phone | (210) 413-7230 | |